Italy is world famous for its amazing dishes and delicious foods. When you have people coming over and you are preparing dinner, it is a really good idea to prepare them a nice, Italian dinner. No idea what exactly you should cook? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with this amazing Italian menu. When you prepare an Italian dinner, you can’t miss out on the wines. A good Italian dinner is incomplete without a good wine for every dish. You prepare three dishes? You get three, maybe four, really nice wines to go with those dishes. Starter: antipastiAntipasti is a simple dish with which you can never go wrong. Antipasti exists out of nice meats, bruschetta and grilled vegetables. This you lay on a nice serving platter, so that everyone can get what they want and like. You can make this dish as elaborate as you want. An advantage of this dish is that you can put it back on the table when dinner is done and you would like a couple of snacks. Main: pizzaPizza might be the most famous dish from Italy. You can eat pizza all over the world, there are a lot of different varieties, which makes this dish perfect for almost everyone. You can make your pizza from scratch, but you can also buy a nice, high kwality Italian pizza base and just make sure you have the right toppings. Our advice? Make different types of pizzas with different toppings. That way everyone can taste different pizzas and you can all share, which is always fun. Dessert: tiramisuA delicious Italian dessert is tiramisu. This dessert exists out of biscuits, liquor, coffee and mascarpone. It is a layered dessert and very popular in many countries. You can put as much liquor in the dessert as you like, but you can also choose to just use (decaf) coffee if you make the dessert for kids as well. |