Are you planning to come to Aruba and would you like to stay there for a while? Then it is important that you look for an apartment or a house where you can stay that time. There are heaps of houses and apartments in Aruba that you can rent or buy. Aruba houses for sale are easy to find on the internet through various websites. To find a house for sale in Aruba, however, there are many more options than just searching the internet. In this article I tell you about the 5 possibilities to find a house in Aruba. InternetOn the internet you can find a lot of different information about houses in Aruba. When you type in Google: ‘buy a house in Aruba’ you will find several websites where you can find houses for sale in Aruba. You can check some filters and see if there is something you are looking for. Real estate agencyThere are several real estate agencies on Aruba that are happy to help you find a house in Aruba. This is often the most useful. The brokers know about the island and have certain connections that make buying a house easier. Moreover, they know everything about how to buy a house. Via viaThere are always friends or family who have connections with residents of Aruba or you can look for them. Check via social media if you can find someone who is staying in Aruba and ask that person or more people for information. Recently you have a ‘marketplace’ function on Facebook. Here various people offer stuff or apartments or houses that you can buy or rent. You can find everything there and you can choose the right country or region. Facebook has the offer to click on the advertisement and see more details and contact the owner.